Networking with Paulina Assmann SEREMI de Ciencia y Tecnología Región del Biobío


Our company is deeply involved in initiatives that could facilitate local health sustainable development, so we participate actively in meetings and networking that facilitate encounters between academia and government. 

Local authority in science and Technology Paulina Assmann

An example is the visit of our local authority in science and technology, Dr. Paulina Assmann with Prof. Dr. Soraya Gutierrez and Prof. Dr. Jorge Toledo last Friday 3rd of January 2020. The visit started in the Medicinal Transfusional unit from Hospital Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente and then in the Faculty of biological Science. 

Enhancing biotech development

LIVEMATRIX in favor of collaboration for biotechnological development

In this meeting at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Universidd de Concepción, the dean of faculty, Prof. Dr. Soraya Gutiérrez with the Director of the Department of Pathophysiology, Dr. Jorge Toledo, discussed ways of promoting local biotechnological and biopharmaceutical development. Highlighting the INNBIO platform, for the formulation and management of R&D project in the biotechnology area..

"The INNBIO Biotech Platform, from the Faculty of Biological Science is an initiative to promote the development of scientifically-technological-based (STEM) companies "